あなたは目が清く、悪を見られない者、 また不義を見られない者であるのに、 何ゆえ不真実な者に目をとめていられるのですか。 悪しき者が自分よりも正しい者を、のみ食らうのに、 何ゆえ黙っていられるのですか。
ハバクク書 1:13
Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?
Habakkuk 1:13
Why does God allow the wicked to run freely when by nature God can't do evil or allow evil? That's a difficult question to answer 100% but I would say that there are at least two reasons.
God is a God of mercy and wants men to repent but has also given man free will and will not orce them to do so. So He is waiting- if only our loved one and friends would respond to his mercy quickly.
マタイによる福音書 22:46
マタイ21 22
And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions. Matthew 22:46
The Saducees tried to put Jesus in an uncomfortable position but asking Him difficult questions, but seeing as Jesus was God and had perfect wisdom, it needed with the Saducees looking bad.
Observing this, the Pharisees should have learned to shut there mouths but instead they wanted to one up the Saducees, so they took a shot at asking Jesus difficukt questions. And finally Jesus asks a question that no one can answer and everyone is quiet from that time forward. The wisdom of God has the ability to shut men's mouths. Is important to have a conversation with God but from time to time we need to be quiet before him as well.
マタイによる福音書 17:5 口語訳
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.
Matthew 17:5
We tell our kids that God is watching, but it's difficult to really feel like He is there watching over us. God's voice at the Transfiguration reminds us of 3 important truths. He is watching. Jesus is the Son and we're to listen to Him. Living our daily lives to please God is our reasonable service.
マタイによる福音書 14:14
この聖句にあるイエス様の反応は福音書でよく見るバタンです。 道の渋滞であっても、モールにいる大勢の人でも、 私が人混みを見ると、ただイライラするだけです。人混みや渋滞に巻き込まれると疲れるからです。イエス様が大勢の人を見るとき、毎回、優しい目で見ます。私はキリストの様になるという目標はまだまだ遠いですね。
ダニエル10-12 マタイ14
And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.
Matthew 14:14
This is a verse we commonly see but the actions of Jesus were anything but common. When I see a crowd, my first thought is to complain. Whether it be the crowds at a mall, or traffic on the road, there's nothing about a crowd that makes me happy. But Jesus saw the crowd and his first reaction every single time is compassion. Wow! I have a long way to go to become Christ like.
ダニエル9:19 主よ。聞いてください。主よ。お赦しください。主よ。心に留めて行ってください。私の神よ。あなたご自身のために遅らせないでください。あなたの町と民とには、あなたの名がつけられているからです。
ダニエルが夢の中で幻を見た後、イスラエル人のために、この9章にある素晴らしいお祈りを神様にささげました。 ダニエルが代表となる必要があったわけではないし、一般のイスラエル人よりは神様に従順していた信者です。しかし、自分の民が神様に立ち返るようにという重荷がありました。19節はその祈りの最後です。そして、私たちもこの祈りを読み、この国のために同じように祈るべきです。この祈りのすぐ後に、神様がガブリエルを遣わし、有名であり、大切なその「70週」の預言をダニエルに伝えました。熱心に祈り。絶えず祈る。このような祈りは神様が答えます。
Daniel 9:19 O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.
At the end of Daniel’s dreams, he prays a prayer to God on behalf of all Israel. It is not like Daniel is responsible for the sins of the whole country, or that it was necessary for him to act as a mediator for all the others. He did it because his heart was so in tune with what God
had planned for the future, and because he wanted so badly for Israel to get right with God.
Vs 19 is the end of his prayer, which is a great prayer that we should pray from time to time for this country. Immediately after this prayer, Gabriel brings a message to Daniel from God. In this message is the prophesy of 70 weeks, which has incredible meaning for the past, present, and future. God answers prayers when they are prayed earnestly. Let’s be people of prayer.
エゼキエル書 44:23
And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
Ezekiel 44:23
The word in this verse that I often comment about in Japanese is くべつ。(distinction) Society today wants to get rid of all distinctions and so this very important word is treated as a bad word.
We are almost to the end of our reading of Ezekiel. The last few chapters are prophesy about the Millenial kingdom that will come after the Rapture and Tribulation. A new temple will be built for Israel and the priests will go back to doing their true work. Part of that is to teach the people to discern between right and wrong. As Christians we also need to be able to do that today. We need to study the Bible and apply it's teachings to our lives, in order to stay distinct. (Separated)
そこで、ヨセフは立って、夜の間に幼な子とその母とを連れてエジプトへ行き、マタイ 2:14
ヨセフの従順を読む度に感動します。ヨセフのことは沢山書かれてませんが、神様に従ったということははっきりわかります。神様の導きを疑ったり質問したりはせず、すぐに従いました。 このようになりたいですね。神様の導きや聖書がはっきりしていることに対しては行動が早い人になりましょう。
When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: Matthew 2:14
What is impressive about Joseph is that he was was obedient to the voice of God. Even though we don't know a lot about him, that much we know. His obedience was not question first and then act, but immediately act without questioning. This is a trait I want to strive to achieve. I would rather be known as someone who acts quickly rather than someone who questions God.
エゼキエル書 22:30
聖書朗読 エゼキエル書21-22
And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
Ezekiel 22:30
This is perhaps the most well known verse in Ezekiel. We often heard sermons from it growing up and it was used to encourage people to surrender to serve God full time. However, it doesn't just have to be applied in that way. God was getting ready to judge Israel and He was looking for just one person who would listen to Him, heed his warnings and help turn the hearts of this around him back to God. Are we that person in today's world?
投稿 (Atom)
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...
毎日、 暑すぎますね。。。雪の写真を見れば、涼しく感じるのか思ったが…ダメでした。😊 暑い時は、日陰あるか 無いかで、全然違いますね。今は日陰がない所で工事していますが、休憩の時に日陰に行きます。全然違う!ネコもいつも日陰を探して過ごしていますが、この前はそれを見て。。。「わか...
あなたはネコ派ですか?犬派ですか? 普通の「犬が好きか、猫が好きか」の意味で聞いているわけではありません。あなたと神様の関係はどっちに似てますか、と聞いています。 野良猫に餌やりをし、捨てられたネコを守っている人たちがいます。ネコは日夜のほとんどの時間は餌やり場所以外で過ごします...
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...