主を恐れることは知識の初めである。愚かな者は訓戒をさげすむ。箴言1:7 主が知恵を与え、御口を通して知識と英知を与えるからだ。 箴言2:6
今日から10日間の聖書朗読は震源です。「今日のメッセージの題が酷い」と思っていませんか?「周りの人の悪口を言って、教会に行きたいと思う人がいるはずないでしょう」。私もそう思います。しかし、私の言葉ではありません。歴史の中で最も賢い人の言葉です。ソロモンは想像を超える知恵と知識と富を神様からいただきました。そのソロモンの言葉です。教会は知恵ある人が集まる場所です. というのは、主を恐れる人の集まりです。愚かなの人は「おれは神様なんかいらない」と思い込んでいる人です。自分の心の状態を気付いて、神様の助けが必要であることを気付いている人の集まりは教会です。自分のプライドが原因で神様を求めないことをやめませんか?那珂川市で知恵のある人が一人でも増えますように。
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
For the next 10 days, our daily Bible reading will be the book of Proverbs. "The title of today's devotion is harsh" is what you may be thinking. "If you bad mouth people like that, no one will want to come to church!"
I agree, however, these are not my words, but the words of Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived. God gave him more wisdom, knowledge, and wealth than he could ever imagine. The church is a gathering for wise people- which means people who have a fear of God. Foolish people say, "I don't need God." Wise people realize the condition of their heart. Throw away your pride and seek after God, and then there will be one less foolish person in Nakagawa
Therefore thus saith the LORD God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.
Isaiah 28:16
The most important part of construction is the foundation. In new construction, the foundation seems to take a lot of time, but once it is finished, the frame of the house (floors, wall, roof) goes up in no time at all. Of course, the methods and materials used in construction have changed over time, the fact that the foundation is important has and never will change. The cornerstore, was the most important stone in the foundation of a building. Everything was measure according to that stone, and if that stone wasn't placed correctly, then everything else would be off, and the building would not stand for very long.
This verse is a very important prophesy and it is easy to see by reading the NT, that it was fulfilled in Christ. Jesus was tempted 40 days in the wilderness and overcame it by using the Word of God. What can be said about the importance of a foundation to a building, is also true spiritually about our lives. We need to build our life on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and His Word, which will never change, and when when we do that, we will not waiver or be uneasy in our life.
At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. Isaiah 20:2
If I get into an extended explanation, it will make for a very long devotional, so let me summarize by simply saying that Isaiah walked barefoot and naked as a prophetic testimony against Egypt etc.
Why did God command Isaiah to testify naked? Because serving God is so important, you would think that it should be done with dignity! These actions by Isaiah had hidden meaning- representing the judgement that Egypt would be receiving if they didn't repent and turn to God. As Christians, we should be more worried about preaching the Gospel, then we are worried about our own comforts, even if it means being misunderstood by those around us.
(聖書朗読: イザヤ書15-19,詩篇147)
He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Psalms 147:4
God created the stars and He not only knows the number of stars, but He named them as well. That God is great and there is nothing in your life that He can't handle. Vs3 tells us that He heals the broken in heart. You are more important to Him than the birds of the air, the sands of the sea, or the vast universe housing the stars.
エッサイの根株から新芽が生え、その根から若枝が出て実を結ぶ。 イザヤ11:1
イザヤ11章は千年王国に関する預言です。救い主が来られるとき、一時神様から離れていたイスラエルがまた神様に立ち返り、神様の祝福を受けるたけではなく、自然界までにその影響が及ぶ。(6節から9節) イザヤ12章はその未来に起きる神様の業と祝福をすでに見えるているかのように、イザヤは感謝の賛美を作曲しました。なぜ、神様の約束は必ず成し遂げられるからです。今はありえないことだとしても、今はどのように主が道を作ってくださるかがわかならくても、神様の約束は絶対的だと信じ続けましょう。
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots; Isaiah 11:1
This is a busy time of year for weeding: make it beautiful, but a week later, it will be right back where it was. The tree stump I cut last year has small sprouts coming out that will soon turn into branches. Cut them, they will sprout from somewhere else; as long as the root of the tree is still alive.
Isaiah 11 is prophesy for Israel about the Millenial Kingdom. When the Messiah comes, Israel, who had been away from God, will come back to HIm (a remnant) and receive His blessings. It will be a time of peace even for the rest of God's creation. (vs 6-9) Isaiah 12 is a song of praise looking forward to this time of peace. He wrote it as if it was already here! WHy? Because Isaiah knows that if God promises something, it'll happen. God will make a way, when there seems to be no way!
1)時間 「聖書と賛美の集い」は午後になります。5月31日より、毎週16:30から17:45です。子ども参加OK! 集会の途中に「子どもタイム」があります。(子ども向けの賛美と聖書の話)
1)時間 「聖書と賛美の集い」は午後になります。5月31日より、毎週16:30から17:45です。子ども参加OK! 集会の途中に「子どもタイム」があります。(子ども向けの賛美と聖書の話)
Isaiah 6:5 Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.
When Isaiah saw a vision of God, he was immediately aware of the awesomeness of God, and also of his own inadequacies and uncleanness. .....
Sometimes, I wonder if we truly understand how awesome and holy God is. We live in a world that often belittles the existence of God, and without realizing it, perhaps it has effected our attitude about God in some small way. Do we stand before Him daily, in awe of His splendor. Do we understand in comparison how small we really are? Let’s honor Him with our lips today.
わたしは声を出して主に呼ばわり、 声を出して主に願い求めます。
詩篇 142:1
I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication. Psalms 142:1
David is hiding in a cave, having done nothing wrong, and yet he is still being hunted. He felt that there was no one on His side, which we know isn't true. Often times, when we are feeling down or having problems, we can feel the same way. We should do what David did here, being open and honest before God in prayer and song, and reminding ourselves that we are not alone.
伝道の書 12:1
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
Ecclesiastes 12:1
In these 3 days we have read all of Ecclesiastes. Because of Solomon's negative outlook, it is difficult to follow at times, but today's verse is easy to understand.....
Why is it best to believe when we are young? Because the younger we are, the more sincere and innocent we are, and there aren't negative life experiences to cloud our judgment. It is before a life of mistakes and failures. Let's not stop small children from coming to Christ like the disciples did. The younger the better, although no matter how old you are, it is never to late to believe.
伝道の書 3:11
全てのものに時がある- 良いことでも嫌なこと。神様の働きが理解できなくても、永遠の思いで見れば、安心することができる。人は永遠を思うため、考えるために生まれた。神様から頂いたこの永遠を思う思いを無視して生きるなら、不満の思いが溢れてしまい、孤独な大変な思いの毎日を過ごすことになる。ソロモン王は伝導者の書で、様々なことがむなしいと言い続けますが、彼の唯一の救いは神様との関係でした。
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Eccl. 3:11
The "world" is better understood if it was translated "eternity". There's a time for everything, whether good or bad. Much of what God allows to transpire we don't understand. But when we keep an eternal perspective, it makes it even even easier to see that God makes everything beautiful in time.
ヨブ記の最後に来ました。いつも読むと祝福され、考えさせられます。ヨブには罪がなかったわけでもなく、友だちに語った言葉には問題がなかったわけでもない。最後の方に自分の過ちを悔い改めてます。(友だちの方が悪かったが) 神様は私たちの思いを知っておられます。私たちの言動の裏がご存知なのです。私たちは自分の友だちの思いを理解できていると思い込み、正しいアドバイスをしているつもりかもしれませんが、神様の様にすべてが知っているわけではありません。 自分自身の思いではなく、困っている人には御言葉を教えましょう。
I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Job 42:2
Well, we've come to the end of Job, always a blessing and a challenge to study. Job wasn't perfect in all his speeches to his friends, and here at the end, he acknowledged his erros and his pride. God knows our thoughts. He knows the reasons behind what we do and say. Job's friends were just like us in that at times we think we know what someone else is thinking and feeling and we think we are giving good advice. But no...only God has the ability to truly know our every thought.
Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever.
Psalm 136:1
In yesterday's devotion, I shared that it doesn't matter whether we understand what God is doing or not and that we should rest in His Mercy and grace. Today's Psalm is a song and the refrain, "for His mercy endureth forever" repeats over and over. How many times? As you're counting, think about just now wonderful his Mercy is.
Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places. Psalms 135:6
There are times when we can't understand what God is doing, but if you really think about it: of course we can't understand. His plan is too great and He's isn't in a position to need to explain everything to us. That Great God loves us and shows us His Mercy. Let's rest in His arms.
「ああ過ぎた年月のようであったらよいのだが、神がわたしを守ってくださった日のようであったらよいのだが。 あの時には、彼のともしびがわたしの頭の上に輝き、彼の光によってわたしは暗やみを歩んだ。 わたしの盛んな時のようであったならよいのだが。あの時には、神の親しみがわたしの天幕の上にあった。 あの時には、全能者がなおわたしと共にいまし、わたしの子供たちもわたしの周囲にいた。
ヨブ記 29:2-5 JA1955
Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me; When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness; As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle; When the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were about me;
Job 29:2-5 KJV
Job longingly looks back at his past which is easy to understand as he was currently in a very dark time. God had allowed everything to be taken away and his so called friends weren't helping the situation with their judgemental and bad advice. In vs5 he mentions being surrounded by his children who had now been taken away. It's hard to see children grow up but we shouldnt be so busy looking back longingly that we miss the importance of today and the ones that are right in front of us.
How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words? These ten times have ye reproached me: ye are not ashamed that ye make yourselves strange to me.
Job 19:2-3 KJV
Jobs friends were trying to be kind to him but their advice was their own advice and therefore not good. When we try to encourage or comfort others, if it is only our own advice, it will fall short. When we don't know what to say to someone that is hurting,, it is okay to say nothing at all- just be with them. Jobs friends did their best advice the first week (when they didn't talk) ! We have the wisdom of God so we don't need to seek the advice of
unbelievers. Let's seek God's wisdom.
すべて主をおそれ、主の道に歩む者はさいわいである。 あなたは自分の手の勤労の実を食べ、 幸福で、かつ安らかであろう。詩篇 128:1-2
Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord ; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Psalms 128:1-2
These verses perfectly explains what is wrong with welfare and why we are to rely first on God, and not the government. Man was made to work and when we are doing what God created us to do, we are the happiest. There is a time and place for welfare, helping those who can't help themselves. I think Corona needs to end soon so people can get back to doing what they were created to do.
ヨブ記を読むときは、その友のアドバイスは良いものかどうか、すなわち他の聖句とあっているかどうかを見分ける必要があります。 その友だちの多くのアドバイスは神様の教えではなく、間違っている知恵の例として受け止めなければなりません。しかし、一部は正しい、良いアドバイスもあります。今の時代のサタンの働き方が同じです。良いものを沢山提供した中で聖書に反するものをまじ混んで、私たちをつまずこうとします。
Job 5:8 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number.
When reading the book of Job, we need to look at a piece of Jobs' friends advice, and ask ourselves, "Is it consistent with the rest of Scripture?" We know that much of this advice is bad advice but some of it is good. It's a great example of how Satan deceives so many Christians: mixing good advice (truth) with the bad so the person doesn't recognize the bad.
Eliphaz tells Job to ask God, "why?" And to please his cause with God. That is good advice because his friends are clueless!
教会の集会の最後に、牧師が信者を祝福するための祝祷を祈ります。この詩には同じような祈りかあります。神様の祝福、欲しいですね!今日から16日、聖書朗読はヨブ記です。 読みながら、自分に聞きましょう: 私はヨブに似ているのか、そのアドバイスをしようとした友達に似ているのか?
Psalm 125: 4 Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.
Often at the end of a service, there is a benediction, a prayer of blessing on God's people. Here, the Psalmist prays for the goodness of God on the upright. Starting today and continuing through the 16th, our Bible reading is the book of Job. As we read through it, we should be asking ourselves, "Am I like Job or am I more similar to his friends in regards to being upright?"
やがてハマンがはいって来ると王は言った、「王が栄誉を与えようと思う人にはどうしたらよかろうか」。ハマンは心のうちに言った、「王はわたし以外にだれに栄誉を与えようと思われるだろうか」。エステル記 6:6 口語訳
So Haman came in. And the king said unto him, What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour? Now Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?
Esther 6:6
Haman's pride resulted in his own death. He was so concerned with his own VIP status, that he used this and that method to maintain his status and as a result, he received the death penalty. Of course it wasn't to that extent, but through s situation last week, I discovered the extent of my own pride. Christians should be modeling the humility of Christ which is much different than the fake humility that we see in society.
投稿 (Atom)
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...
毎日、 暑すぎますね。。。雪の写真を見れば、涼しく感じるのか思ったが…ダメでした。😊 暑い時は、日陰あるか 無いかで、全然違いますね。今は日陰がない所で工事していますが、休憩の時に日陰に行きます。全然違う!ネコもいつも日陰を探して過ごしていますが、この前はそれを見て。。。「わか...
あなたはネコ派ですか?犬派ですか? 普通の「犬が好きか、猫が好きか」の意味で聞いているわけではありません。あなたと神様の関係はどっちに似てますか、と聞いています。 野良猫に餌やりをし、捨てられたネコを守っている人たちがいます。ネコは日夜のほとんどの時間は餌やり場所以外で過ごします...
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...