それゆえ、これらのわたしの言葉を心と魂におさめ、またそれを手につけて、しるしとし、目の間に置いて覚えとし、 これを子供たちに教え、家に座している時も、道を歩く時も、寝る時も、起きる時も、それについて語り、 また家の入口の柱と、門にそれを書きしるさなければならない。
申命記 11:18-20
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:
Deuteronomy 11:18-20
How important is God's word in our daily lives? Do we take the Bible with us everywhere we go? Do we meditate on it? if we did the things that these verses in Deuteronomy say to do, the things that Moses told the Israelites, then our faith would be real and not just a tradition. We need to allow the word of God to directly impact our thoughts and our daily actions.
詩篇58 Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to 1000 generations Deuteronomy 7:9 Deuteronomy is Moses' last words to Israel lookimg back over their history and a message for going forward. We can see that Israel followed some of this advice and ignored some of it. What will be said about our Christianity after we are gone? We have grace so it's never too late to get back on track.
詩篇58 Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to 1000 generations Deuteronomy 7:9 Deuteronomy is Moses' last words to Israel lookimg back over their history and a message for going forward. We can see that Israel followed some of this advice and ignored some of it. What will be said about our Christianity after we are gone? We have grace so it's never too late to get back on track.
わたしが恐れるときは、あなたに寄り頼みます。 わたしは神によって、そのみ言葉をほめたたえます。 わたしは神に信頼するゆえ、恐れることはありません。 肉なる者はわたしに何をなし得ましょうか。
詩篇 56:3-4
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.
Psalms 56:3-4
Corona virus, people problems、financial problems , etc If we wanted to be afraid or worried, we have plenty of reasons to be. However, God is still God and still in control. Let's overcome these uneasy feelings with prayer and the Word.
神よ、わたしの祈をきき、 わが口の言葉に耳を傾けてください。
詩篇 54:2 口語訳
Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
Psalms 54:2
Do you remember the time when Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple because the house of prayer had been turned into a market? What about in our lives. We are His Temple and He is waiting to hear our prayers. Church is at 9:00 today.
詩篇51 And Israel joined himself unto Baal–peor: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. Numbers 25:3 The book of Numbers covers the 40 years from when Israel left Egypt. Chapter 25 tells us about how Israel started worshipping idols of their neighbors and how God dealt with it. He will not share his glory with another. Do we think about this to our daily lives ? God is a jealous God and wants to be number one in our lives.
詩篇51 And Israel joined himself unto Baal–peor: and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. Numbers 25:3 The book of Numbers covers the 40 years from when Israel left Egypt. Chapter 25 tells us about how Israel started worshipping idols of their neighbors and how God dealt with it. He will not share his glory with another. Do we think about this to our daily lives ? God is a jealous God and wants to be number one in our lives.
「願わくは主があなたを祝福し、 あなたを守られるように。 願わくは主がみ顔をもってあなたを照し、 あなたを恵まれるように。 願わくは主がみ顔をあなたに向け、 あなたに平安を賜わるように」』。
民数記 6:24-26 口語訳
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Many preachers use this prayer to bless the people at the end of a worship service. God told Moses to bless the people of Israel with these words. We should also pray for God's blessings on our lives. This is the NT age, and we are all priests. We can pray ourselves for God's blessings.
貧しい者をかえりみる人はさいわいである。 主はそのような人を悩みの日に救い出される。詩篇 41:1
貧しいものを助けるのは立派ですが、問題があります: 多くの人は自分が貧しいと思い込んでる。例えお金があっても、「金がない」と言いがちで、裕福であることは周りに知られたくないという人は少なくないと思います。
Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalms 41:1
It's great to help the poor but there's a problem: everyone thinks they are poor! For example, even people who have money say" I don't have any money". They don't want people around them to think they are well off.
What about Christians? A missionary friend always says " My Father is rich". Well, God is our Father and He is rich because everything belongs to Him. We are just the Stewards. Even if we are poor, we are rich, so we should be willing to help those that are less fortunate.
わたしは言った、「舌をもって罪を犯さないために、 わたしの道を慎み、 悪しき者のわたしの前にある間は わたしの口にくつわをかけよう」と。
詩篇 39:1
詩篇39のテーマは人生の短さとそれにに対してのダビデの複雑な気持ち。1節には、ダビデが心掛けてることがあるのがわかります: 神様の働きに対する疑問を未信者の前には話さないこと!祈りの中で自由に神様に話しましょう。ただ、良い証にならないので、未信者の前には神様や教会に対する愚痴などは話さないように頑張りましょう。
I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.
Psalms 39:1
The theme of Psalm 39 is David's complex feelings about the brevity of life. In verse 1, we see that David has determined in his heart to not complain or question about the work and mind of God in front of unbelievers.
It is good to pray openly and honestly to God., But in front of the lost, we should watch what we say.
ああ神よ。 尽きることのない愛を、心から感謝します。 あらゆる人が御翼の陰に身を隠します。
詩篇 36:7
How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.Psalms 36:7
"Under his wings" is a phrase often used in hymns. Try to picture what that means. May our God of love and mercy cover you in His wings today.
レビ記 11:45 口語訳
For I am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.
Leviticus 11:45
Even Leviticus has some valuable truths for us! God expected Israel to be holy and to be set apart, different than the other nations. Today, it is popular to imitate the disgusting things done on television but it's rare to see any holiness in people around us. Instead of changing our values to match the world, let's be set apart.
投稿 (Atom)
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...
毎日、 暑すぎますね。。。雪の写真を見れば、涼しく感じるのか思ったが…ダメでした。😊 暑い時は、日陰あるか 無いかで、全然違いますね。今は日陰がない所で工事していますが、休憩の時に日陰に行きます。全然違う!ネコもいつも日陰を探して過ごしていますが、この前はそれを見て。。。「わか...
あなたはネコ派ですか?犬派ですか? 普通の「犬が好きか、猫が好きか」の意味で聞いているわけではありません。あなたと神様の関係はどっちに似てますか、と聞いています。 野良猫に餌やりをし、捨てられたネコを守っている人たちがいます。ネコは日夜のほとんどの時間は餌やり場所以外で過ごします...
キラキラネームが多くて漢字が読めないこの時代ですから、私も「自分の名前の漢字を勝手に選ぼう」と数年前に思いました。最初はラインのIDに使っていただけですが、最近は仕事関係や名刺などでも使うようになりました。その漢字を選んだ理由を説明します。 真 (ま) 生 (いけ) 留 (る...